Always New Looks
Infanticide are:
MICHAL HALÁMEK ..bass guitar /does not play on this record due to fucking military
JENDA HORŇÁK ..rhytm guitar
PETE ..lead and rhytm guitar, backing vocals
THOTH ..vocals
Guest Musicians:
BRUNO ..bass guitar on this record
CHRISTOPHER ..lead guitar on "Like A Burning Stones" - first solo
MARTIN VIKTORA ..acoustic guitar
Recorded and mixed at "EXPONENT STUDIO" Hlohovec
during 19. 6. - 23. 6. 1995.
Engineered by Rasťo Krčmárik and Marian Hladký. Mixed by Tomáš Kmeť.
Produced by INFANTICIDE.
Thanx to:
Our families, Martin Viktora, Pedro & Christopher & Bruno of KRABATHOR, Dan &
DEPREŠION, Petr Matuška & SKRYTÁ TVÁŘ, Mr. Košut, Ra-dek Bubeníček, Jarda Tichý
SOULS, Čurby & OBSCENE PRODUCTIONS, Martin Čech & EPIDEMIE, Petr Homolka &
DARKNESS ACTUAL, Mirka Kryštofová, Aleš Ryšavý, Rasťo Krčmárik & Miloš Hladký
from GLADIÁTOR, Tomáš Kmeť for understanding /yes, we know your job but better
recording studio we don't recognize/, Petr Malůš David Němeček, Lukáš Klimánek,
Martin Horňák, Zbyněk Houska.
Jenda Podškubka, David Ševčík, Ivoš Malík, Marek Sova, Laďa-Petra-Majka Smolíkovi,
Tomáš-Vojta Mrkvovi, Patrik-Petr Navarovi, Katka-Luďka Palacké, Iva-Tomáš Podškubkovi,
Olin Škrabal & Magda Polehňáková, Tibor & Štefan Parkanští, Láďa &
Roman Němcovi, Andrea Cichová, Mo-nika Žádníková, Jana Bočková, Silvie Váverková,
Martina Kurtinová, Petra Galová, Edita Březinová, Michal Bičan, Pavel Mazůrek, Radek
Elkner, Martin Boňko, Miloš Berger, Maroš Omelka-Hana Sečkařová, Franta "Pípa"
Šuranský, Ondra Bublík, Tonda Janů & ASG STUDIO, J.M.I. Kurty & DECAY, Peťa
SCABBARD, Zdeněk & KATOPETIA mag. & GODLESS TRUTH, Karel Žižlavský, Michaela
Tomšicová, Dušan Velecký, Ota Matějík, Roman Hubáček, Eva & Petr Dohnalovi,
Jarda & FLESHLESS, Monika & Mirka Vlkovi /Mirko thanks for photos!/, DARKSIDE,
David & Martin Zajícovi, Kozel Volařík, David Filda, Michal Směták, Zbyněk Pastyřík,
Víťa Pastyřík, René Hanaček, Michal Polášek, Ří-zek, Scinek, Radim & Thomas
Kopčilovi, Seňor, Pišta, Zdeněk Ptáček, Josef Koželuha - R.I.P., Radim Drábek, Luběna
Radim, Patrik Kaňovský, Libor "Cukr" Lukeš, Přemysl Sedlář, Petr Vráždil,
Milan Balog, Roman Zajíc, Roman Ulčík, R. Pařenica, Family Pařenica, Jamák, Kamil
Pail, Ivoš "Bohém" & Staňa "Koala", Bartošovi, Renata, Silva,
Majka, Martin Verbík, M. Urbanec, Pavel Noščák, Roman "Max" Valuch, Bocin,
Ječmínek, Vagas, Honza from S.L., Robert, Petr Kutáč, Hrnek, SUFFERING ACRIMONY - Přema,
Marek, Dan Lukáš, Jakub Ryška, Jiří Zlatuška, Jindřich Krej-čík, Martin Hrda, L.
Acler, P. Macháň, R. Jungr, R. Pukl & classroom 4, Klub Mír, Hrob & Jana, David
Raclavský, Martin Kravášek & 6. rota
Thoth hallo to: My brother, family Šoustek, & Kolařík and my old love Markéta
Extra thanks to all our friends and fans who helped us, stood by us, came to our shows and
supported us over the time.
Debut demo "LIFE IN DEAD FAINT" 1993 still available for: 60,- kč, 6 DM, 4 USD /including postage/.
INFANTICIDE contact: | |
Management Band Contact and Merchandising c/o Mirka Kryštofová Boženy Němcové 1183 686 01 UH. HRADIŠTĚ C Z E C H R E P U B L I C |
c/o Aleš Ryšavý Petrov 308 696 65 HODONÍN C Z E C H R E P U B L I C |
28th july 1997 a.d.
Smashed flowers as a conquested
Kingdom of God
Blackened snow-burnt up by dragon’s breath
Destroyed palace as a vision of next days
Deception, deceit is before us…
Faith stands and falls
Is hard to forget when you’re down
”28th July 1997 A.D.
Let’s wait the King David
Paradise on Earth, Light in hearts
We will behold countryside of
Kingdom of the good”
Faith stands and falls
It always was hard to forget when you
reflected about the good
What really the good is?
-Sensitive behaviour covers real intentions
-This is the faith-only and right
-I love you!
”28th July 1997 A.D.
Still we wait, still we hope
28th July 1997-year of…”
Hell on Earth, cold in hearts
But to forget is still hard
These people have never been sensible
And good God knows this
like a burning stones
Scenes from life appear
Why to live?
Mother nursed me
So idyllic
I believe that something I am
Naive idea
Despair from the doubtful people
never shall end
Gate to liberation is free
Road to do it is clear and intelligible
Why to return?
When it’s unnecessary
I throw over sand from hand to hand
Give me right to die
Why so often decides?
Give me right to die
”Throw away all choices and don’t kneel down”
In my life - leave me alone
In my life enable me to view my hands
In my world - leave my life
In my world -it’s black, disagreeable but jewelish
Scenes from life appear
Why to live?
Mother nursed me
So idyllic
I believe that something I am
Naive idea
Despair from the doubtful people never shall end
You respect - you will suffer
You don’t respect - you will suffer
Gradualy I bleed
Give me right to die
Surely it’s unstopable
Gate to liberation is open
Give me right to die by own hand
our ”friends” words in the world full of rules
Understanding of ancient messages is imposible
This is imperfection of all ways of the communication
Beautiful, splendid, nice
Faint, simple-minded, murky
Beauty of puns is mere bubble only
Why once all will come to an end
Plays the words, plays the sentences
Way of communication, understanding of feelings
And expresing of ideas
Also lasts from lasts
Will persist in this way
Good, friendly, pleasant
Evil, bad, depraved
Beauty of puns is mere bubble only
Why once all will come to an end
Plays the words, plays the sentences
Also lasts from lasts will persist in this way
Plays the words, plays the sentences
Way of communication
Understanding of feelings
And expresing of ideas
reverie - of the melancholy mood he’s going astray in his ideas at the ways for
I’m closed in my own world
often, I fall down in a deep hopeless
a fear from looking at me, and from the words
I’m going to be a slave of my own ideas
I rob of myself, slowly I slay it
everything what’s stayed at me
feeling of superfluity is tiening me my hands and tongue
In closed room I’m sitting alone
pursuited of the blame of my imperfection
useless thing…
sick, who isn’t cured
Melancholic - mixing of the bodies saps
thousands of the pictures and madmen are losing…
their existing life…
Preponderance of the black gall - breaking the spiritual character
depression accompaning by accusing nonsenses
- that force a man into taking nothing in
- melancholia agitata - morbidy bad temper
total irritate, with tinge sensation of solitude
paralysing the body…
Delirium - the prison of all disappear people
Reverie - a mad looks at the unknown world
horrible halucinations are pressing me to the corner
spiritual deadly silence
Halucination - these eternal looks at me, which are losing to unknown
Sanatorium - enchanted body, there I’m for life punished
In repose my soul is resting
a chain to her joined
Madness - is singing a crazy song
the human is alive .... neighbourhood is covered
the dead body - the soul is prisoned
in madness is falling down
I’m prisoned in my own world…
My eyes are full of tears…
He’s going astray in his ideas at the ways for understanding
don’t want to understand to my breeding…
I’m looking for anybody, who’s going to clear my spoiled blood,
circulating in my own veins
which will call out the flood, of the sensuality in our bodies
… my river of the life is flowing out from a pure spring, which after the
years I have lost, for wandering, the spring has been occupied and troubled
the coasts lowered and the stream has been stoped
from once upon a time bottom of my river - the life was disappeared.