this CD is dedicated to our friend honza kolovratník who died tragically at the age of 24.
cover artwork - radim dvořák 2003
GRONDHAISN production 2003
GRODHAISN production, Roman "Pigi" Čaj,
330 14 Ledče 52, Czech Republic,,
DESPISE, Dejvy Kredl, Na Mekovine 471, 280 00 Kolín V., Czech Republic,,
IMPERIAL FOETICIDE, Radim Dvořák, Školní 863, 407 79 Mikulášovice, Czech
DESPISE Confinement in Decrepitude 1. ROOM 101 DESPISE Special guests: Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4 were recorded in winter 2001 at studio Hostivař lyrics - michal ROOM 101 Text tohoto songu je přímo inspirován románem George Orwella 1984, k čemuž přímo odkazuje samotný název. Místnost 101 byla bodem, v němž byl s definitivní platností zlomen poslední odpor tzv. nepřítele systému. Zde Místnost 101 slouží jako synonymum nejtajnějších lidských fóbií, iracionálního, podvědomého strachu. Něčeho, co si každý člověk nese hluboko v sobě, co nepouští na světlo, nesdílí ani se svými nejbližšímu a dokonce si je ani nepřipouští ve strachu sám před sebou. Je to zdroj nejhlubších obav a nočních můr, nejistoty a úzkosti. Věci, jež vyplouvají na povrch v absolutním tichu a samotě, proto člověk před tichem a samotou utíká, utíká sám před sebou. Otázka je, co se může stát, pokud dojde nejen k odhalení této části lidského nitra druhým člověkem. Těžko dostupná, přesto však existující slabina skrývající v sobě možnost a riziko zneužití za účelem absolutní manipulace. Disappointment over failure Appointment with the probability of unreturn Unpossess the repossession Respected filth… abuse of hate unnecessary The deepest fears Embodied… reaching complete Routinized stage of ultimate intimidation MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION Termín MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION se objevuje v období studené války, kdy oba protějšky bipolárního světa disponovaly takovým jaderným arzenálem, že v případě nukleárního útoku jednoho by vzápětí došlo k protiúderu ze strany druhého a došlo bu tedy k jistému vzájemnému zničení (mutual assured destruction). Text je ovšem všechno jen ne politický, jde o aplikaci konceptu jistého vzájemného zničení na mezilidské, přesněji řečeno partnerské vztahy. Perfect blindness to see a man Self-fulfillment righteous to the wound When someone dies Solitude Unable to resolve the piedestal of divinity Mutualize… the danger hidden behind the wall Unreaching the common destiny Destruction to decision Reaching out for the formation of structural fusion SEPARATED ENTITY ALTERATION Skladba, jež měla po textové stránce navazovat na „Here In My Reality“ z dob Animality, která se točí kolem pocitu člověka, který se podle měřítek většinové společnosti jeví svému okolí jako blázen, narušený či nenormální. Jak to ale vnímá takový člověk? Jemu se mohou všichni ostatní jevit jako nenormální… Jako entita (Entity) se zde myslí jedinec, sice součást celku, přesto oddělený (Separated), dochází k pozměnění jeho osobnosti vnějším zásahem (Alteration) – například vlivem svého okolí, které může vést právě k oddělení od tohoto okolí. Nicméně během psaní textu došlo k určité evoluci směrem k mystičtějšímu rozměru a dalo by se říci i k jakémusi rozvinutí do duchovní roviny. Text si ovšem za žádnou cenu nedělá nárok na to, aby byl chápán jako nějaké poselství, agitace či něco podobného. I refuse to feel the pain unnecessary Manifest of absolutness Time hasn´t formed its harvest I am the mirror builder Bias towards what is I reign and therefore I choose I punish… because I cannot salve Free a man and he will create CONFRONTATION (PYREXIA cover) Farrakhan Speaking your words of piece with our enemies What does your faith think? What gave you the right Your life is filled with greed Profit from the anger You will not stop until the races are at war You... Insult the intelligence of mankind Your life is filled with greed MILLENNIUM FUCK Soarway achievement Enexpected consequences of primary failures The demand for unlimited survival Freedom is the possibility of failure Enslaving the different Worthless and fucked up deceiving Aggression driven by fear Greed instead of desire |
1. A LIGHT WHIRL, MY GUIDE IMPERIAL FOETICIDE Tracks 2, 3, 4, 5 were recorded in summer 2000 at studio Shaark. lyrics - tomáš TETRALOGY - ANOTHER WAY, ANOTHER NARRATION I. A LIGHT WHIRL, MY GUIDE Hands are plaiting in the sighn of hidden powers while my inner world is calming down, diminishing its room and preparing itself for the meeting. A touch of the unknown when the doors of knowledge open in the far distance. Nailed to the ground I am crawling against the wind fiercely beating the ground around me towards and open slot. A light whirl has suddenly filled the every last piece of my inferior and has become my guide on a lond and winding path to a destination that was as far as the other side and though so close just to be touched with each further step of mine the wind-man wiped out more and more letter from the book of my fate. The pages are flying up and down helplessly and his strong arms tear them to pieces with great delight. Cast blasts of the wind shake my inner image when I enter a oath leading to utter depths of infinite existence of the creatures whose faces are trimming my pilgrimage. II. TWO DIFFERENT WAYS I am getting as far as the edge of existence to the very bounds of life cycle while my being as a small point wanders through the space. I am touching an energy wall towering in front of me. I am paralysed by its majestic dignity and the strength shining out of it while it spreads its fingers around me closing the way back. I am trying to look through and grasp a glimpse of anything behind when my sight is captured by dark stains reaching from behind the wall and they are taking it away of the waves of lowness. I am striving ti get over the wall to catch the other part of myself and pass the way through dark pores of the great beast of evil to cross over the breaking edge to traverse the abyss with no bridge across. Lead by a voice of an unknown stranger hidden inside me. Two different ways, two enemies fighting each other. III. THE STORY CONTINUES Inside the dark emptiness I am dragged through by a force coming to me from an unknown furtherness. A long way to a part of my being is just beginning. Adventurous stories reaching behind the border of absoluteness on the long path through vast planes beyond the burnt road of the sun setting down under a vault of a generous god. Lowlands turned to mountains and nostrils of another dragon are hiding me away from intriques of the guard of the paths. The countryside is changing fast on both ways, the one of mine and the one of the stranger hidden in my inner self so different they are but despite that connected in one. IV. THE SEAT OF THE WAVES OF LOWNESS The trotting stirrups of birds supercede with the hits of wings of flying horse. Water and fear are standing against us. The fire that is burning the snowflakes floating around in the air shows the stranger the way while I am sitting down on the ground in order to receive new power. It is an exhausting hunt for that what I have perhaps never lost. I discover myself in a tangling maze of the friend the stranger are standing next to each other more powerfull than ever before in front of the seat of the waves of lowness covering the skies. A part of our pilgrimage has come to an end and another is just the beginning. It is a hunt for something that I have perhaps never lost. The two of our ways have only one destiny. PLEASURE You are trying to outstrip the whirl of a flying bullet when the sun is beating down upon the sound. The fast pulse of mind exiled to a very edge of an abyss, giant stones swallow the energy of their creators, the aims hidden in a deep underground entangle themselves of a pilgrims paths towards a vertex leaving behind the desire for duration and the guest to pass through the energy gate towards a calm surface of nothing that is eyewitness of secular events shies away from a force that gives life to others. I feels just like a breathe of wind in the infinity of continuance. After the years of calm disturbed only by footfalls on the curious ones it has again experienced the burden of being a pedestal of a doom and an end of wandering of other beings. Its conciousness so dismally venerable in its vastness, the dark grey has experienced much, touches of the feet of monarchs, a rustle of mind-controllers, the knees of the poor ones, the jingling of bronze and iron at the edge of an energy field. Only calm consonancy will last together with dust of the desert and with the touch of bright light penetrating into grey wrinkles of memory. |