BOB RUSAY - gutar
JACK OWEN - guitar
Meat Hook Sodomy
Butchery my meat hooks sharpenedto penetrate
- Emasculate, gouging crotches I will eat -Hung upside down, holes punctured through half
- chewed - Gristle, debauchery with dead bodies, turning green - Upheaveal of human
entrails - Deterioration of grated genitals, dangling from the hooks - Obscene feelings
deep inside me - Dislocating, separating a blood - Drenched body - Begin the anal
grounting - Awaiting insertion, to rip out intestinem - Bodily destruction - Vulgar
molestaion - Treachery never - ending soul ripping - Lifeless Bodies not, petrified -
Cloggins veins - Presure building - Scabbing clotted sores dehydrate - Condemned to life
of obscurity - Condemned to life of obscurity - Dismal Dimensions of my being, I explore
my thoughts through murder - Devoting my life to mutilation - Screams of blood saturate,
grubs feed on dilapidated - Stumps, darkness overshadowing the killing - Eyes now dialate
- Bodies disintegrate - Razor sharp hooks implanted in your rectum - Splitting bodies,
spilling guts on the ground - Sodomizing world - Beauty to my eyes - The body lying naked,
discharging my infection - Invigorating while I kill, intoxicating - Invoking suffering on
human beings - Grinding orifices my only therapy - Sculpting gore - Muscle tissue -
Reshaping - Mounds of flesh, deformation - Skulls of victims stacked like trophies -
Bleeding from your arse sudden blood ejection
A table of the deranged, this savage brutal
being - A shocking way of life living on human offspring - Murder of the innocent, his
pale grey face expresionless - Horrid dismemberment - One persons tortures, is another
pleasure - Malformation, a diseased brain - Unsuspecting slowly dying, as his knife
invades - The child, screams of pain, no one hears - Blood splotches now appear, ecstasy
through - Each cut, now the body twiches the gutted - Little torso ready to be cooked -
Isolated in his own mind the need to kill - Now possesses his body - Self mutilated -
Between killings ejaculation, cut off appendages - Of former victims, sexual violence
satisfaction - Disembodied corpses, spewing gore - On his body, soaked with their fluids,
various - Digestive parts, and assorted meats - Plunging his fist down the throat, ripping
out - The guts, internal extracton - The entire body bleeding - The heart stops pumping -
The child lying dead, just another gutted infant - To satisfy his hunger, temptations of
flesh - Voracious appetite - Killing to release pure souls to heavens - Justification of
his killing self-torture - Stiffening pain - He sees the faces of the dead - Guts are
strewn from the children - Splintered bones, poke through skin - Gratification through
castration - Roasting parts for consumption
Fingers missing from hands, ready to snap
bones - And necks, pierced together from dead tissue - Body parts crudely sewn, face is
smashed to pulp drooling from - an empty socket - Brain half - Dead - Hungry for flesh -
Many souls commanding my existence - My body alive, I defy, the life I’ve been given - I
should have remained dead - Experimenting on dead tissue, convulsing bodies on the table -
Reanimation of the dead, rusty scapals cutting skin - Pieced together parts and parts -
Transplating human life - Rotten organs, restal pus - Spitting up your galbladder -
Donation of bodily organs carved from broken bodies - Eyes melting, skin exploding - Every
bloody bleeding - Meat inter-changed from the mutilated stiffs - Parts of the dead are
never to rest - Lymphatic nodes - Implode, while the brain corrodes - Bodies sold to
science, profiting from the dead - Creation of a being never known to man - Heart pumping
pus through the body, sliced in sections, the putrid injection - Regaining life from
beyond - To rip the flesh from your bones - Stripped of flesh, unsighty - Torn in two,
slicing through you - Live organs needed to be reanimated - Pathologist sawing the skull
of the donor, now he lies - Dead - Awaiting a new brain - Re-cycling the bodies, parts of
the dead - Exposing their insides, slitting their necks - Finding a way - Bringing life to
the corpse, one dead on my table - Soon to walk again - Fingers missing from hands - Ready
to snap bones and necks - Pieced together from - Dead tissue - Face is smashed to pulp
drooling from - An empty socket - Brain half-dead, hungry for flesh - Many souls
commanding my existence, my body alive, I defy, the life I’ve been given - I should have
remain dead
Under the
Rotted Flesh
Under the flesh - Rot my lust for decayed
corpses dead bodies exhumed - Their coldness induces me endless defilement, re-occuring -
relapses, perverse with the dead, soon I will kill for myself - Impending suffering, spasm
shooting through me nausation - A cannibalistic necrophile violating the body, putrefied,
mouldering, gorging on the rotted flesh - Cutting off the body’s head drinking from its
severed necks as I rip the corpse in half - Human shit for nurishment - Coprophagia,
consuming feces of the dying, as their bowels let loose defecation flows down my throat
excremental injestment - Reflections if things to come, mirrored in the dead one’s eyes
my - fantasy of murder - Incarnated open wounds gushing, blood on skin coagulated -
tortured of the retched, no one cares of their dead appalling odor wreaking, piles of
rotted bodies - The bodies prepared for slaughter, wallowing in your own blood - Grinding
of your fingers and toes feeding on your meat - I immerse my sharpened implement into a
fresh bleeding gash her body used for my sick desires - The blood thirst I can’t control
- Many more must suffer - Disposal of the dead, the corpse chopped to bits licking up the
drivel - The gore engages me - All I kill a new creation, my work of art bodies torn apart
- Liver quivering at my feet - Eyelids cut off to watch your own dismemberment, cutting
through arteries nerves exposed - Feel the power of pain
Covered with
Bleed on me, digesting the clotted scabs -
Blood thirsty - Ungodly - Passing on my curse, the spell pussing gores - Of those I infect
become my loyal servants - To ride me of my own rot - Whittling meat from the bones of the
dead - Pulverizing pelvic regions with a sledge - The mutilated bodies I leave rotting
after I - Have fucked them with my knife - Becoming a product of my own nightmares - A
bleeding sac of infection, years deceased - I hide my slobbering skin - Covered by a
victims flap - I love to watch the blood ooz down the bodies stump - Like scap, a vulgar
way of life, my hideous side - Now revealed - Remembering the future is the key to unlock
my past - Leaking membrane, consuming bodies, Carving out the cunts, blood my
lubrification - Spewing pus on rotted skin I celebrate my - Cruelty, boils begin to form,
dripping on my tongue - Swallowing throbbing glands, the juice leaks from - My lips, my
only thirst is pus eruption of cysts - Incurable disfigured bodies, I rape the dying -
Horrific sights now manifest, penetrating inner organs - The ruptured organs leak the
fluid that I seek - To break the incantation of my damnation - Split wide open, bloated
organs burst - Nerves uprooted, re-opening healed wounds - On my body - Sucking on the
sores - Ingesting my own fluids - Self-parasitic puss indulgement
Vomit the Soul
Grotesque, crippled, carved up carcass -
Evil conrolling my mind, the fear of dying expired of life, to vomit the soul - I am dead
within my self - The end a beginning to a new life in hell - I am your path to
ever-lasting pain mass extinction of the human population - Son of the devil the evil
incarnation - Maniacal mass murderer mutilating mortals, the child born unto evil, trapped
within the statue of flesh - Vipers travel through bodily orifices, blessed by the Devil
under - inverted crosses, religious ways, lies controlling minds - I walk among mortal
beings, but I have died - Excavating graves I search for decay packs of flesh driven
zombies ready to feast I suffer forever living only to dismember - Open season on humans,
laughing I watch them die, they bleed so easily - Their blood flows through my body, I
need to taste the flesh exposing pulsing arteries - Removing vital organs - Not stopping
till you’ve died - Puts from your eyes carnal ways indulge in the gore - Slaughtered you
lie in a pile of warm guts - Constricted corpusles coagulating blood my drug a slave to
its taste, reincarnated to human form, creating a race of immortal beings, rot away dead
bodies, set a flame - Searing flesh, broken necks - You can’t kill what already dead -
De-evolution, hunting for life - Cannibalism, immortality rip and slash - A society of
mass murder - Bleeding slow - I take away your life, and leave you lying cold, decapitated
body - Searching for its head - Anticipate apocalypse, rising dead dismembering - Hacking
limbs bleeding, cracking ribs - Torture us - Blessed by the devil, under inverted crosses
- Religious ways, lies controlling minds - I walk among mortal beings, but I have died -
Excavating graves - Desolate - Empty hollow corpse, desecrate forced - To eat your flesh -
Extracting purity violat - Twisted bodies, rot away
Butchered at
Birth is always painful, Decaying in the womb
trapped within this body - A bleeding human tomb gutted bitch lies dead emptied of the
child chewing on the cords its life line to this world afterbirth is flowing - The stench
is overwhelming - My body, growing stronger, my pain turns to torture - Severing its
bloodline - A butchered infant carcass - Meat from the unborn, the freshest kills -
Chopped up children bathing in blood - Contoured and festering I rot in disgust -
Re-generation of my body - Mother ripped apart - Smashing in her face - My knife cutting
holes, fucking her remains - Esophogus carved out - Crushing cartilage - Bile oozing from
punctures in your liver - Ripping meat within - Chewing in intestine - Bladder spurting
urine, Sight of defecation now grow infection - The child ripped to shreads - Drinking its
excretions - Zombification ejaculation over mutilation - On the Mothers body hacked into
pieces - The sludges from my cock gives her life once again - Sewing the remains of the
child deep within her - Reborn through evil - My torture known throughout Hell - Heed to
his calling, the demons await my next kill - Carnage is my fetish - Body cavities scraped
of guts - Brains seeping from cracks as my axe continues to hack
Torsos hang from their own intestines -
Raped of all bodily extensions, stumps wreathing in a sludge - Like infection - Suffering
through a Rancid amputation - A pulsating artery accomanied by some veins, slit with no
restraint - Sacs of pus develop - My muscles tighten as I feel the rush - I look at your
body starting gush - I slice through the limb, a human dissection portions of half - Eaten
flesh in my mouth starting to chew your now bleeding stump I will swallow your pus your
own rectal slime - I’ll force you to drink - Vessels explode as needles injected -
Uncontrollable - My brain tormented - Slit from head to toe, die through the torture -
Disease engulfs you - Internal rot - Fresh cut wounds, beginning to clot - Ripping through
flesh is what I do best - Tear off an arm - Amputated neck - Eyes removed, cranium smashed
- Decomposing remains, severed in half - Dying slowly never to rest, nerves are quivering
as I trip - Removal of life on the blade of my knife - Inserted in your spine, smashing
through bone - Feel my hell, I feed on fright - Rape the limbless cadaver
Innards Decay
Rotting alive - Tearing my way through the
meat - Driven to kill, my brain twitching for guts - Devoted to evil - Severed arteries
gush - Hungry for the blood - Life is to decay - Victims meet my blade, carving out organs
- A world of pain and terror - Visions of the future - Premonition of the evil,
forthcoming eve of darkness - The chosen one will come - Eyes torn out bodies cut in half
- Twisted corpses hang from broken necks - Demented madman - Unholy rampage - Impaled
cranium beginning to drain - Sodomize the carcass, chew the anal rot - Sewn within the
body the dark becomes my light - Live inside the shell - Feed upon infection - At one with
the dead - I rip my way through - Easy prey, disfigured bodies decompose - Chewed limbs
drip with pus, intestinal strangulation Humans left ripped apart - Lap up the dripping goo
- Wretched chunks of bleeding flesh Internally you rot away - My need to kill - Induced by
hate, betrayal of trusted ones - My mark left on this earth, victims of my slaughter -
Souls of my dead, murdered by my - Hand - Blood on my face, innards decay - Snapping necks
chewing flesh - Insatiable thirst - For blood - Slicing throats viciously uncontrollable
insanity - Tear out the beating heart - Engulf the quivering spleen, chew the meat - Death
is my life - Life is to decay victims - Meet my blade carving out organs, a world of pain
- And terror, visions of the future - Premonition of evil - Forthcoming, eve of darkness -
Eyes torn out bodies cut in half - Twisted corpses hang - From broken necks, demented
madman unholy rampage - Impaled cranium beginning to drain