Raza Odiada (Pito Wilson) Hermanos mojados - de los Estados Unidos
El que te va chingar más - no es Satanas
Son la raza odiada en el mundo güero
Elegído por las manos gabachos
El Pito Wilson está lléno de ódio
Búsca joder nuestra raza
Pito Wilson - El rey de racistas
Pito Wilson - Sera presidente
Pito Wilson - Te quiere ver muerto
Pito Wilson - El cristo de ódio
Hemanos mexicanos - no séan huevónes
Holocausto de la raza - Ya empezó
El Pito del norte - esta creciendo
Será presidente el scristo gabacho
Primero los mojados - despues les mayates
Puro güero o puro muerto
Pito Wilson - Odia la raza
Pito Wilson - Sera presidente
Pito Wilson - Te quiere ver muerto
Pito Wilson - El cristo de ódio |
Hated Race (Pete Wilson) ... brothers - of the United States
He who's gonna fuck you hardest - isn't Satan
They are the most hated rece in the white world
Chosen by American hands
Pete Wilson is full of hate
He's looking to fuck up our race
Pete Wilson - The King of racists
Pete Wilson - Will become president
Pete Wilson - You want to see death
Pete Wilson - the Antichrist
Mexican brothers - don't be ...
Holocaust of the race - has now begun
Peter of the North - is getting powerful
The... will become president
First... - afterwards ...
Purely white or purely dead
Pete Wilson - Hates the race
Pete Wilson - Will become president
Pete Wilson - You want to see death
Pete Wilson - the Antichrist |
Colas de Rata Pinche tequila
Le o de mota
Medio de coca-Cocínante piedras-pica el brazo
Colas de Rata
Son lineas de coca
Lo mas que haces
Lo mas que quieres
Compra un ócho
Haciendo lineas
Vida loca!!
Estas sudando
Ba o de agua
Apestas a
Chivo - Chango - Cerdo |
Rat's Tails ... tequila
A joint
Almost coke - melt the rocks - shoot it up
Rat's tails
They are lines of cocaine
As much as you'll do
As much as you want
You buy an eighth
Making lines
Crazy life!!
You're sweating
Swimming in it
Stink life
a goat - a monkey - a pig |
Hechando Chingasos (Gre udo Locos II) Hermanos gre udos - prenden el le o
La gente te ven a rabos de burros
Por culo de feo, te quieren joder
Hay que pelear - Hay que pegar
Gente del barrio, te mandan casar
Tan gre udo y feo, rata humana
La ciudad te ódia, te quieren matar
Hay que pelear - Hay que pegar
Hechando Chingasos!!
Esos roqueros, son maricones
Gre udos locos, son mas cabrones
No te la dejes, no te la rajes
Hay que pelear - Hay te pegar |
... (Crazy Headbangers II) Sloopy brothers - lightning joints
People see you as stupid asses
They want to fuck your ugly ass up
You have to fight - you have to fight
Locals, they want to marry you
So dishevelled and ugly, human rats
The city hates you, they want to kill you
You have to fight - you have to fight
Those rockers are fags
Crazy headbangers, are bigger pimps
She's not gonna leave you, she's not gonna run from you
You have to fight - you have to fight |
La Migra (Cruza La Frontera II) Coyotes rateros, te chingan la féria
Siguen al brujo, te llévo por gratis
Trae tú abuela, tú tío, el lelo
Pinches polleros, viven pa' féria
Te cobran tú sueldo y largan tú abuela
La pinche migra te está esperando
Te devuelven despues de una paliza
La migra hayó tú abuela en el desierto
La mandaron a Tijuana pegada con palos
El brujo tiene contrabando bien bueno
Numeros de seguro y cartas verdes
La migra la migra
Te pegan bien duro
La migra la migra
Te pica el culo
La misma migra te pasan por lana
Mordidas de féria te compra todo
Siguen al brujo, te llevo al norte
Cuidado con ese alambre cortado
Hay cabron ay viene la troca
Pa tras pinches pollos ay viene la migra
Larga tú abuela, correle tia ya
Aplastaron el lelo |
Border Patrol (Crossing the Border II) Pack of thieves, drink to the ...
Follow El Brujo, he brought you over for free
Bring your grand mother, your uncle, ...
Chicken cooks, live for the ...
Earn your pay and bring your grandmother
The ... border patrol is waiting for you
Thay leave you after a beating
The border patrol had your grandmother in the desert
They ordered her to Tijuana beaten with sticks
El Brujo has very good contraband
Social security numbers and green cards
Border patrol border patrol
Thay hit you hard
Border patrol border patrol
They kick your ass
The same border patrol lies to you
Dead ... buy all of you
Follow El Brujo, he brought you north
Careful with this cut fence
There's a pimp and here comes the sale
After chicken cooks oh here comes the border patrol
Hee frees your grandmother, now your aunt runs
They crushed the ... |
Revolución Oygan o se chingan, no sean penjedos
Gobierno de Mexico ya vale madre
P.R.I. manda todo, son comunistas
Indios y pobres, no tienen chanzas
Donde estan todos los topos
En la selva ya estan
En la cuidad hay que comenzar
Hay que meterse en cada rincon
Cabrones del P.R.I. - comunismo
Despierten todos - revolución
Con machetes - armanse
Ejercitos indios - zapatistas
Comandante Marcos - mandanos
Cubre tu cara - subterraneo
Son topos guerrilleros - revolución
Son topos locos!! - revolución
Viva Zapata, Viva Chiapas
Viva Mexico, Viva la revolución
No sean coyones - haganse hombres
Ya empezaron - hay que acabarlo
Quieren se rata or quieren ser hombres
Si no pa' ti - por tus hijos
Comunismo, satanismo, P.R.I. - es lo mismo |
Revolution Listen or fuck yourselves, don't be assholes
The Mexican government doesn't give a shit
P.R.I. commands everyone, they are communists
Indians and the poor, don't have ...
Where re all the blind ones
They are now in the jungle
It must begin in the city
It must get into every corner
P.R.I. bastards - communists
Awaken averyone - revolution
With machetes - arm yourselves
Indian armies - zapatistas
Commander Marcos - direct us
Hide your face - underground
You are undeen guerrillas - revolution
You are unseen crazy ones!! - revolution
Long live Zapata, Long live Chiapas
Long live Mexico, Long live the revolution
Don't be ... - make yourselves men
They started it - you have to finish it
Do you want to be rats or men?
If not for you - then for your children
Communist, satanic, P.R.I. - is the same |
Consejos Narcos Las leyes narcos
Hay que obedezer
El brujo da consejos
Oygame pendejos
Con güeros - si
Con negros - no
Marihuana - si
El polvo - no
Lleno la troca
Cien kilos de la blanca
Hay que pintarlas
Con sangre de perro
Cortado - si
Barata - no
Mordidas - si
La migra - no
Narcos - si
La chota - no |
Drug Runner's Rules Drug runner's laws
You must obey them
El Brujo makes the rules
Listen to me, assholes
With white boys - yes
With blacks - no
Marijuana - yes
The powder - no
Fill the order
One hundred kilos of the white stuff
You have to paint them
With dog's blood
Cut up - yes
Cheap - no
Bribes - yes
Border patrol - no
Drugs - yes
Goat kid - no |
Almas de Venta No mas firme aqui, con sangre pendejo
Calmado buey, tienes tiempo
No hay que pensar, hay que dar
Misas negras - te va gustar
Sacrificos - te va gustar
El infierno - te va gustar
Verga del brujo - te va gustar
Almas de venta
Que quieres en la vida
Ser rico? Cojer viejas?
Vivir mil a os?
Estan pagando bien
Diez mil pa'gre udos
Un million pa'virgenes
La subasta de almas
Vives mil a os aqui
Vives cien mil a os abajo
Almas de venta |
Souls for Sale No more sign here, in blood asshole
Calm your ass down, you have time
You don't have to think, you have to give
Black masses - will please you
Sacrifices - will please you
The inferno - will please you
El Brujo's dick - will please you
Souls for sale
What do you want in life?
To be rich? ... old ladies?
To live a thousand years?
You are paid well
Ten thousand for slobs
A million for virgins
Auction of souls
Live a thousand years here
Live a hundred thousand years below
Souls for sale |
La Ley de Plomo Máquinas del diablo
Como cuernos de chivo
Cobran precios pesados
Escupiendo besos de plomo
La ley de plomo - portate bien
La ley de plomo - bala te calva
Córrale cabron sacate de aqui
Tranzeando el brujo te deja bien mocho |
The Purity of Lead The devil's machines
Like goat's horns
Earn big money
Spitting kisses of lead
The purity of lead - carry on well
The purity of lead - bullet
Run bastard get out of here
Crossing El Brujo leaves you good and crippled |
Los Tengo Colgando (Chingo de Mecos II) Los oteros de drogas no son máquinas
El brujo no es cabrón
La ciudad pinches índios
La substa de putas, muchachitas bien
Jovenes y firme
Traete un hule, un seis de cervezas
Indios huevones los tienen colgando
Fire de bueys un chingo de largo
La bolsa de plata - los tengo colgando
Madrota bruja - quanta nos cobra
"Lo mismo que siempre pendejo"
Diez para ustedes, viente para el gordo
Los soldados mas cargados
Quieren dos veces
Los tengo colgando!
Los soldados mas cargados
Quieren dos veces
Brujo paga para una cogída
Sáquen el borrego, para los que
No aguántan
El pinche gordo fue dos veces
Pinches putas hartas de mecos |
I've Got 'em Hanging (Shitload of Cum II) Drug lords are not machines
El Brujo isn't a bastard
The city ... natives
Whores for sale, good little girls
Young and firm
Bring a cum rag, a six-pack of beer
... natives have them hanging
Oxen in line for a long fuck
The sack of silver - I've got it hanging
... witch - How much for us?
"The same as for every asshole"
Ten for all of you, twenty for the fat one
The most loaded soldiers
Want it twice
I've got 'em hanging!
The most loaded soldiers
Want it twice
Brujo pays for a ...
Get out the lamb, for those who
Don't hold back
He ... the fat one twice
... whores full of cum |
Sesos Humanos (Sacrificio IV) Quiero adictos, robachicos, tú madre
En la fiesta de brujos, los sacrificios son humanos
Ya saben que hacer soldados babosos
Traeme la cena o te hago caldo
Una sopa de sesos y sangre
Son mortales debiles - soy brujo poderoso
El rey Lucifer me manda a comer
Una sopa de sesos humanos
Diez brujos sentados con panzas ardiendo
Pa' el hambre satánica hay un remédio
Son mortales debiles - soy el brujo poderoso
Con drogas te traen - con machete caen
El padre obscuro me manda a comer
Sesos humanos
El alcalde, el presidente, el cardinal
Con huesos de gato y cabellos christianos
Unas de judio y agua exudsado
Sesos humanos y fruta de vírgen
La hora de la cena ya está aquí
Son mortales debiles - soy brujo poderoso
Ando hárto de caldo maldito
La fuerza qu tengo te va fregar
Y el machete te va chingar |
Human Brains (Sacrifice IV) I wand addicts, ... your mother
In witches' feasts, the sacrifices are human
Now you know what to do sloopy soldiers
Bring me dinner or become broth
A soup of brains and blood
You are weak mortals - I am a powerful witch
Lucifer the king commands me to eat
A soup of human brains
Ten witches seated with eager bellies
For the satanic hunger there is a remedy
You are weak mortals - I am the powerful witch
With the drugs you bring - with a machete you
will fall
The dark priest commands me to eat
Human brains
The mayor, the president, the pope
With cat's bones and Christian hair
One Jew and ... water
Human brains and the fruit of the virgin
Supper time is now here
You are weak mortals - I am a powerful witch
I leave full of the cursed broth
The power I have is going to irritate you
And the machete is going to kill you |
Primer Meco Jále, jále, jále...
Donde cayó tú primer meco?
En el piso? En la cama?
En tus calzones?
Pervertído - yo se lo que haces
El diablo te esta manando
Con tú mano satánica
Te sacas los mecos
Te va crecer mano de chivo
A donde cayo tu primer meco?
En la panza de la puta?
En las nalgas de puertquíta?
En el culo de borrego?
Pervertido - todos saben que haces
Mejor una que la mano
A la mejor te caes en ésos rios de sida
Resale a satanas y jáles jamás
Pervertido con la mano preluda
Tú pito se va joder
Una, dos, tres veses al día
Pensando de "Trevi" te ayúda
Te vas a mandar al infierno |
First Load Pull, pull, pull...
Where did you drop your first load?
On the floor? In bed?
In your pants?
Perverted - I know what you're doing
The devil is commanding you
With your satanic hand
You make yourself cum
You're going to grow a goat's hand
Where did you drop your first load?
On a whore's belly?
On a young pig's ass?
In a sheep's ass
Perverted - everyone knows what you're doing
Your best friend
Most of which you drop in these rivers of AIDS
Go to Satan and never pull it
Perverted with a ... hand
Your peter is going to be fucked up
One, two, three times a day
Thinking of "Trevi" helps you
You're going to hell |
El Patron Un soldalo cayó muerto
Nuestro jefe fué asecinado
Quien nos va mandar
Fue rey de coca - hizo platas de ojas
Fue un gran hombre - Padrino de los pobres
Fue un general - Mando indios guerreros
Era El Patron, el mero chingon
El negócio de placer - lo supo bien
Los indios lo corrían y los pocos vendían
Los negros cocinaron y las gangas empujaron
Polvo para los ricos y piedras para los pobres |
El Patron A soldier fell dead
Our leader was assassinated
Who will command us?
He was the king of cocaine - ... ... ...
He was a great man - father of the poor
He was a general - He lead guerrilla natives
He was El Patron, the pure ...
The business of pleasure - he rose high
The natives ran to him and a few sold
The blacks cooked and the gangs enforced
Powder for the rich and rocks for the poor |
Hermanos Menendez Con semilla satánica nacieron ni os malditos
Sangre de raza, las caras gabachos
La madre fue gata - el padre fue rico
Sangre vále menos que agua
Molestados de ni os, muchachos desobedientes
Les quitaban los calzones, corrian encuerados
Su padre culero, dando pinche cuerasos
Sangre vále menos que mecos
Ni os adultos huevones ricos
Feriados sin sudar una gota
Hermanos con ambiciones querían los millones
Sangre vále menos que lana
Hijos chiquidos, odiaban sus padres
Planiaron a sangre fria chingarlos in dia
Hermanos malditos amaban el dinero
Sus almas venditos, con el diablo metido
Armados como banditos - padres medios dormidos
Balaciados por la espalda cayo muerto el padre
A la gata se le cavaron las vidas
Pobres pendejos los hermanos Menendez
Acuzados del crimen - se cagaron millones |
The Brothers Menendez With satanic seeds cursed children were born
The race's blood, American faces
Their mother was a cat - their father was rich
Blood was nothing more than water to them
Disturbed children, disobedient men
They took off their pants, they ran around ...
Their father's belt, giving them welts
Blood was nothing more than cum to him
Adult children rich ...
... without sweating a drop
Brothers with ambitions wanted the millions
Blood was nothing more than a lie
Pampered children, they hated their parents
They planned in cold blood to kill them one day
Cursed brothers loved money
Their sold souls, in league with the devil
Armed like bandits - parents half asleep
... in the back their father fell dead
They took the cat's lives
Poor assholes the brothers Menendez
Accused of the crime - they fucked up millions |
Padre Nuestro Padre nuestro, que awwastra por el suelo
Satanas sera tú nombre
Vengan adorar nuestro malvado rey
Animador de voluntad negativo
En el tiempo de cristo, asi como en el dia del brujo
Danos hoy poder satanico, pa chingarnos este dia
Y perdona los necios sin fe negra
Asi como nosotros te rezamos de rodillas
No dejen de creer en satanas
Y ayudanos repartir todo maldito |
Our Father Our father, who crawls under the soil
Satan will be your name
Come adore our evil king
Champion of negative will
As it was in Christ's day, so ut is in the day of El Brujo
Give us today to be able to be satanic, in order to seize this day
And pardon those fools without black faith
Just as we praise you
Don't turn from believing in Satan
And help us deliver all cursed |
Ritmos Satanicos |
Satanic Rhytms |