Spawn - Bestial, Mystical & Spiritual
(The First Spawn)
The Selfmonarch
Festering Tears
Calling the God
All music by Appaling Spawn, All
lyrics by Petr
demo contact:
Eílova 22
Praha 6, 162 00
Czech Republic
+ 420-2-271 82 86
+ 420-2-87 62 06 |
tel. contact:
Michal Chalupa
Czech Republic
+ 420-2-275 88 36 |
band contact:
Petr Tománek
Bichorská 272/108
Praha 9, 193 00
tel.: 02/819 20 846Gabriel Pavlík
tel.: 02/64 36 466 |
Appaling Spawn are:
Gábin - drums
Ondra - lead, accoustic guitar, bass (3)
Petr - bestial, mystical and spiritual voices, rhytm, accoustic & bass guitar
Recorded and mixed at studio Hostivao by Zdenik Šikýo
Illustration by Deather 96
Cover art by Robert 97
Thanx & hello to:
Vláia & Fleshless, Jaromír “Deather”
Bezrue, Luciáš, Michal Chalupa, Zdenik Šikýo, Robert & Accursed, Pavel &
Kaviar Kavalier, Shindy, Matij & Masturbace, Rhymes of Destruction, Ingrowing,
Desecrate, Deaf and Dumb, Alharzed & Livores Mortis, Disfigured, Melancholy Pessimism,
Zdenik & Scorched Dead, T.O.O.H.
Ondra would like to thank:
My family, my brother Štipán (thank for intro),
Radek & Music World, Jackson Guitar, all at VIZA servis, Mirek Eerný, Michala &
Tomáš Dvooákovi & TYP, Martin Havel, Roman Strakatý.
Gábin would like to thank:
My family, Lucie, Ivana, Petr Chlouba, Milan Gajdošík & all my friends,
Petr would like to thank:
My family, Christophe, all those who taught me to love & helped me on my
painful way.
The Selfmonarch
I destroy the dark light and the slime
and celebrate blissful victory
I am disembowelling the fear
my light is swallowing all its
I paralize that crying little submission
as I turn my fear to dust
My spirit is pervaded by the godness
I am entering the EARTH…
On the ashes of the once strong
gripping anxieties I paint my picture
a vision of unlimited touch
Psychical weakness - sickness
Invicible will - not ruins…
I will never forget their faces
I will never forget what I felt
I will remember
touching their auras
They were life and they stil are…
I touched their souls and
I want to touch again forever.
They tought to me to love and they still do.
Our hearts were beating together
in understanding - the deepest one.
We walked and did not have to speak.
Tear caress my face
And I let them.
But I hear them saying:
“hold on and fight we will meet soon
again dear brother”.
I know I have continue
and spread their heritage
until that time when heart
will not beat for my soul
Festering Tears
I met a human who died many centuries ago.
“Around myself wreathe your arms”:
he said without sound
without movement,
nevertheless I heard him.
Extatic magnificience bloomed
for a split of eternity
in a garden of weeping senses
and swallowed up all my perceptions…
“Your solitude has thrown you between
waking and dream, between us and them
between soil and fertile emptiness.
I feel the tears festering inside of your
land, please let them out,
release the sadness of your spirit
he is crying for HOME!” AND I
In his purgative emprance that
as a messengers from somewhere else,
I delightfully trembled as though
anticipating the most distant
and the nearest breath, breath the most precious!
My fear was getting smaller with his every touch.
“Become absorbed in deep yourself,
till you will be integrated with me.”
“Breathe your soul, let it pervade
beyond the Earth of mind.
Beyond the oceans of dreams,
there where your experience does not reach
there I shall take you and then you will realize.
The crown of the masters you will
put and let the tears
festering for thousand years flow AWAY!!!”
I feel everything as a medium for
of my decaying and strongly stinking desires.
Bestiality I feel as the strongest power,
it will not be appearsed ever, it is growing still.
And it is leading me to the unknown shores
of beating and dripping wet extasis…
Rushes of extraintensive waves want to tear me
off from the slushing embrance of the entrails.
…and they are rotting STILL…
Eagerly I tremble in extraterrestial visions
and open the doors of more and more
repulsive chambers.
In the nightfall magnificient flowers
come into flower
from the fertile psychodung of my entity.
…and the superlative monsters
of this sphere I have
already brough under my domination and razed
the lair they crawled out to the ground!!!
Destroyed by imense power of all exceeding will
…however not efficiently.
The world of APOCRYPTHUM has opened
for my eyes and I have sat on throne…
Calling the God
Night descends gently into my mind,
sublime castles disappeares,
aggressive even submissive wind
moaning calm changes.
Solitude once so elating, now swallowing me.
Do you hide from me or my sight
perhaps obscured your light does not see?
It is so long time ago
when veiled to vesture of pain I beheld you
My hands silently fumbling only a cold strike.
My longing calling you stays unheard.
My belief then born however unweakened stays.
You are luring me through
the hearts of those you dwell inside
and I as a bee sitting from flower to flower
pollen from these hearts
I used to walk there too my dear
I used to walk there so often.
I used to pick up those beautiful flowers.
I used to pick bunches of them up,
such a pleasure and such a pain…
I could not learn how to fight that temptation…
Then came a day and I could not see
their beauty anymore.
I have begun to feel compassion,
I have to feel begun to feel deep love.
Love that you can not feel NOW…
…Flovers vanished the garden lies there still.
There in my mind and holds the memories…